Replica 911!

Replica or we can say fake products are spreading all over the nation. Its like an epidemic here. Seriously, from bags, watches, even cosmetics, they sell them nationwide both online and offline. Whenever I login to my socmed, there would be lotsa so called replica products. It even gets worst when lotsa people intetested on it, they actually wanna buy it. They just got a replica fever. No, I wont judge you whoever interested in it. I just wanna share my personal thoughts.

Its not like I never tempted to buy a replica, actually I do. Once I kinda tempted for buying this one particular make up since its so cheap compared to the original. But then I was like.. what am I thinking?! I shouldnt do that. This is illegal. So I didnt buy it. Thank God my mind cleared up so quick.

See, isnt it a crime selling and buying replicas? whether its KW 1  or KW super itas still fake right. The owner or the inventor should get the credits for what he invented. Imagine like you create something original, then someone else copy your thing, sell it, and gets lotsa cash from it. How would you feel? Well If that happens to me, I would be pissed, I would sue whoever that is.

So for me, replica, fake, or whatever is a BIG NO NO.  Besides, the materials are waaaayyy below the original. You may think its okay since its more affordable, but think again. You waste more money on buying stuff that only last for a super short period of time. For products that have a direct contact to your skin, they may damaged your skin, and sure you will need extra budget to cure your skin problem. 

Just buy the REAL one that you can afford or just buy something else without concerning "the brand". Theres nothing to be proud of having a replica. You may think its cool but hey, people can actually tell if you wearing a replica. At the end of the day its all up to you. 
Oh well, this is just my opinion.. :D


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