Breastfeeding, Baby!

Breastfeeding been a journey of life to me. Full of ups and downs, tears and happiness. I struggled a lot. Many people through it smoothly, while the other through some rough time with it, just like me. I been in a time when I got no breastmilk at all, when my baby couldnt have any intake for days, when I couldnt breastfeed my baby, when my baby couldnt even get the nipple and suck it right for almost a month. Still I determined to exclusively breastfeed my baby for 6 months.

Yes, I finally through the first 6 months. No formula at all. Now Im planning on continue breastfeeding until he is 2 years old. We already know from the experts that breastmilk is the best milk ever. It provides so much nutrition for the baby. Some research even say that baby can actually stay and get enough nutrition from breastmilk only  without solid food for one whole year. But forget that, we, mothers definitely wanna give the best for our baby. So for me exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is a must, then giving solid food after 6 months is also a must. 

Breastfeeding for me is a magical feeling. I even addicted to it.  If in several hours I dont breastfeed my baby, I kinda miss it. Breastfeeding itself is not only about supplying nutrition to the baby but also about building a strong bond with the baby. Its like a straight contact of mother-baby relationship. Its not just like "here, imma give you my breastmilk". We have to look 'em in the eye, talk to em, cuddle em, touch em, while breastfeed em. This just a beautiful moment..

So for my baby being breastfed by me is comforting. We all know that sucking is something to comfort the baby. I myself find that whenever he got mommys nipple, itll calm him down. Its my ultimate weapon of dealing with cranky and crying baby. It is THAT powerfull, a pacifier cant even beat that. So for any mothers who are able and capable to breastfeed your baby, please do, enjoy it, be happy with it, embrace it, dont ever think that you dont have enough breastmilk and thinking of giving your baby a formula. While for mothers who arent able, dont give up. Just try n try again, cuz your babys demand will automatically followed by the supply of your breastmilk. But if you have enough trying, then formula is okay, or breastmilk from a donor maybe a choice. No offense but I, myself, prefer formula than a donor since I dont know the donor medical history. Either way, your baby needs milk! :B


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