Carseat, Baby!

Ive been wanting to get a car seat for my baby since he was 6 months old. Its not a must have item for me, but thought this could be a helper. You know from my previous post that he kinda had a sitting issue back then. He just wont sit still, on his stroller, high chair, even in the car when we go out he would be all over the place. I thought buying a carseat would be such a waste of money. So I kinda postponed. But then I found out my hubby will be gone to a site for a month ( sad T,T), so I couldnt rely on him anymore. I gotta be on my own. Besides, my baby is getting bigger. Gotta teach him some manner in the car, hehe.

So I finally bought him a carseat last week. It wasnt the expensive nor the cheapest one. Its just what I wanted with a reasonable price. Its good thou. Comfy, nice material, nice color, safe and suit for my babys age. To be honest, Im more to a-SALE- person or -why not spend less-kinda person. I just dont see the point in spending lotsa money on something when I could get a good quality of a product for a far cheaper price. Eventhough in some cases I kinda still prefer the 'high street' stuff.

After I bought it, I placed it in the backseat and put my baby on it right away. Guess what happened? he was magically sit still, and calm for more than 1 hour. He didnt whine or cry. He was just enjoying the trip, looking at the window. I was like... OH MY GOD. I was in awe. Oh my... what a wonderful moment I had there. LOL. But that was when the 3 of us together in the car. The moment of truth is still yet to come thou, when there would only be me and him in the car. So I definetely gonna try taking him for a ride somewhere some time this week, or just whenever I really have to go out.

For any mother out there, I just wanna say that a baby carseat is not a priority. If you are planning to get one, please do if you can afford it. But dont pressure yourself to have it if you think you dont really need it or its not worth buying. Especially when you already have much asistance either from your own asistant or just your family. But since I have almost zero asistance, I really think I need it. Always remember, its all about the NEED, not the want. ;)


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