Stay at Home Mom

Yep, that is exactly what I am right now.

Its been months since I decided to quit my job. I was in my 3rd trimester, heavy but still active actually. Why I quit then? cuz I was planning on raising my baby on my own at least until he's 6 months old and then if I could find an asistant (as I like to call it) for my baby, for the house or whatever, then I could go back to work. But guess what? I had an asistant, we brought her all the way from west Java, and stayed for only like a month or two. The deal was for a full year thou. I was pissed. So I moved on...

Now that my baby is 9 almost 10 months on January, I dont have an asistant yet. So I carry on staying home. I kinda enjoy what I do right now. Dont get me wrong, I looove..taking care of my kid, but out of work is kinda okay now. Yes of course I miss the routine and all socialization, but I feel like I'm gonna miss my baby so much more if Im away from him. But I believe that when the time is right there will be some way and if God only wants me to be with my baby then there will be no way. So I ll just go with the flow, whatever God told me so.

Staying home mom is a matter of choice, but being a mom itself is bigger than that. Its like the ultimate gift from God. So whether you are staying home or working, being a mom is a blessing, something you should cherish. As for me, I cherish it by staying at home, fully focusing on raising, taking care of my kid properly, gently, lovingly. It may sounds boring to be a stay at home mom, or even useless ( I really dunno what people  thoughts). Well, it is not. Yeah sometime people get bored, even if they re working(this actually my experience). What can I say is that boredom is caused by the routines. We do almost the same routine both at work  for working people or at home for staying home people.

Stay at home mom is like a working days, but in slow to medium phase, while working is intense phase kinda tight hours. But after 8 hours you can go back home and take a rest.  Staying home mom is like 24/7 job, never seems to an end. The advantage is we can have a strong bonding with our child if you re fully at home. Just like me and him. He is soooo attached to me, he just cant let go off me. I mean, if  Im like away from his sight even for 1  minute, you will hear him screaming and crying and youll know thats my call, haha. Well I dunno if I can call this an advantage.

As a stay at home mom,  you can teach your kids whats good or bad. You prepare every single thing for your kids with lots of love. Definitely sure of the hygiene and safety, even if you are wrong there is noone to blame but yourself. You have to keep in mind that the next generation depends on you. You are their foundation. The civilization would fall apart if you, MOTHERS, dont do or raise your kids right. And it all start here at home, so gotta make sure you do, give, and teach the best to your children. 

So for all stay at home moms, be proud mommas!!  You are the rock that your family built :)

Proud Momma


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