
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2013

Stay at Home Mom

Yep, that is exactly what I am right now. Its been months since I decided to quit my job. I was in my 3rd trimester, heavy but still active actually. Why I quit then? cuz I was planning on raising my baby on my own at least until he's 6 months old and then if I could find an asistant (as I like to call it) for my baby, for the house or whatever, then I could go back to work. But guess what? I had an asistant, we brought her all the way from west Java, and stayed for only like a month or two. The deal was for a full year thou. I was pissed. So I moved on... Now that my baby is 9 almost 10 months on January, I dont have an asistant yet. So I carry on staying home. I kinda enjoy what I do right now. Dont get me wrong, I looove..taking care of my kid, but out of work is kinda okay now. Yes of course I miss the routine and all socialization, but I feel like I'm gonna miss my baby so much more if Im away from him. But I believe that when the time is right there will be som...

Product Review : Clarins Travel Vanity Make Up Set

This is my first woman's talk about a woman's stuff. Whats good, whats bad, whats worth buying or not, based on my personal thoughts, experiences and tastes. Nothing about kids or motherhood. The Packaging of Clarins Travel Vanity Palette So I bought this Clarins travel make up set about a year or year and a half ago at duty free somewhere I forgot. Thought it would be a handy make up set for on the go. It comes with a nice red leather cover box. The palette has a mascara, a pink lip gloss, 6 eyeshadows, a pressed powder, and a blusher. It also comes with a mini brush and a sponge tip applicator for the eyeshadows. On to the review. The mascara is okay. It has a black color but not too thick. It doesnt make my lashes look longer or fuller. It just gives some definition to the lashes. The lipgloss is quite nice. Its creamy and definetely gives some glossyness. But what I like the most is the smell of it. It smells so good. The eyeshadows are in neutral color, all sh...

Haru biru

Dear Almighty Allah, thank you for giving me this precious gift ever. Yes, he's my baby. Tak terasa waktu berjalan sangat cepat. Dia pun tumbuh dengan cepat. Hari demi hari berlalu terlalu cepat bahkan. Rasanya seperti baru kemarin saya meregang nyawa, mengerang kesakitan saat melahirkannya. Rasanyapun seperti baru kemarin saya memutuskan berhenti bekerja. Begitulah waktu berjalan semenjak kehadirannya, terutama dengan polahnya yang kadang menguras tenaga membuat saya lupa terhadap waktu. Yah, ternyata begitulah bayi. Bayi yang segera menjadi anak. Anak yang segera menjadi remaja. Remaja yang segera menjadi dewasa. Dewasa yang akan menjadi orangtua. Kemarin adalah hari yang mengharukan buat saya. Kemarin saya menyaksikannya berdiri sendiri. Dia memang sudah bisa berdiri sejak 8 bulan, tapi seringnya berpegangan, kadang lepas tangan tapi tidak sampai 5 detik lalu jatuh. Kemarin itu berbeda. Dia berdiri sendiri, lepas tangan, baik posisi yang tegak maupun tidak. Dia menyeimbang...

Tentang Baby Walker

Ya, di tahun 2013 gini mungkin semua orang tua udah tau bahwa baby walker is no longer recommended by the pediatrics karena banyak bahayanya. Apa sih bahayanya? dikutip dari, baby walker menjadikan bayi lebih tinggi, memungkinkan bayi mencapai barang barang yang letaknya tinggi. Bayi dapat bergerak ke seluruh ruangan dan dapat meraih benda berbahaya , seperti pisau diatas meja, kabel listrik di dinding, atau bahkan jatuh dari tangga. Selain itu baby walker juga tidak membantu bayi untuk berjalan lebih cepat. Baby walker malah mengurangi keinginan bayi untuk berjalan karena adanya alternatif yang lebih mudah yaitu berkelana dengan baby walker tersebut. So, these are my thoughts. Berbagai bahaya yang dapat terjadi akibat baby walker, saya setuju. Namun pernyataan baby walker mengurangi keinginan bayi untuk berjalan, rasanya terlalu berlebihan. Menurut saya bayi itu ya bayi. Bayi memiliki keingintahuan yang super besar, dia sangat ingin mengeksplor dirinya, orang l...

Phimosis, baby!

Apa sih phimosis itu? Phimosis adalah kondisi dimana ujung kulit luar penis atau kulup menyempit sehingga tidak dapat ditarik. Normalnya kulit ujung penis itu dapat ditarik sehingga terbuka dan dapat terlihat kepala penisnya. So, why am i talking dirty about penis? No no no, ini bukan jorok yaaa... it happened to my baby. Mungkin udah banyak orang tau tentang ini tapi saya sendiri baru tau ini karena terjadi sama anak. I mean how in the world can I not know this?! uhh..Okay, so the story goes like this.... Waktu itu dia baru brojol ke dunia. Saya lagi capek2nya dong, tapi bahagia ngeliat si baby yang ada disamping saya.Keesokan harinya dia nangis2 terus (biasalah bayi), tapi namanya kita baru, masih buta tuli, ga tau harus ngapain,tiba2 suami bilang " mungkin popoknya basah kali" padahal si pake pampers. Dibukalah itu pampers sama suami, dan pas diliat ada warna merah-orange di pampersnya. Saya takut dong, tp saya tunggu sampe beberapa kali ganti pampers, dan ternyata ...

Nine months, baby!

Happy 9 months my babyboy!  Okay,so this is my first blog and im starting it with the story of my baby. Why now? why not from the first month?cuz im too overly busy taking care of this little kid hehe,but i do journal thou. Journaling has been part of my life since i had my first diary book back then in middle school. Im just not sharing it, but now i will! :-) So, this morning was like a battlefield. I mean he was soooo super duper cranky. Feeding time was even worst, he just won't open his mouth, crying it all out. Fiuhh.. I was cool thou, not expressing anger or anything but actually stressed out deep inside. Straight face all the way. Good thing when becoming a mom is that u gotta be more patient, cool, wise, and everything than ever. Aside the cranky stuff. So this early 9 months he weighs only 8,7 kg, but his growth and development amaze me as a mother. He is getting smarter and smarter. He likes to yell, climb, crawl really fast, stand without holding on anythin...