
Soto Seger Hj. Fatimah, Boyolali

Beberapa waktu lalu kami jalan-jalan ke Boyolali. Setiap singgah di tempat baru pastinya selalu cari makanan khas daerah tersebut.  Boyolali sendiri terkenal sebagai kota susu, tapi kami nggak nyari susunya. Saat itu waktu makan siang. Laper banget. Jalan deh ke pusat kota dan liat soto boyolali yang penuh banget. Sampe keder sendiri kalo mau masuk.  Jangankan masuk, parkir aja nggak bisa.  Dan herannya hampir semua warung soto seger ini penuh semua.   Lalu kami carilah warung soto yang memungkinkan kami duduk dalam warung itu. Warung Soto Segeer Hj. Fatimah (sama aja kayak Mbok Giyem hanya merubah nama), karena soto Hj. Fatimah/ Mbok Giyem inilah yang ada di setiap titik kota ini.  Penyajian soto segeer ini di mangkuk kecil mirip soto Kudus. Namun, soto segeer ini adalah soto sapi bukan soto ayam. Kuahnya bening tidak kuning. Terdapat beberapa suwiran daging sapi, dipercantik dengan beberapa helai daun seledri dan tauge yang banyak.  Rasanya segeeerr b...

Tengkleng Gajah, Jogja

Lama banget deh nggak mampir ke blog sendiri dan tetiba nge-klik blog sendiri sambil nostalgia ke waktu-waktu dalam setiap ceritaku. Jadi senyum - senyum sendiri.  Hehe. Ok, now I really don't know what to start but since I'm still in Jogja then I should do some reviews about things in Jogja.  First of all.. Goshh.. Jogja is really crowded now and the traffic has gone nuts. Well anyway..  Lets get into the review.  Sekarang aku mau review Tengkleng Gajah yang konon hits banget di Jogja.  Setiap kali lewat ini warung rame banget.  Alamatnya di Jakal km 9,3 Minomartani,  just google it. Gampang aja kok. Pinggir jalan, kelihatan tulisan "Tengkleng Gajah No. 1 di Dunia" haha. Nah akhirnya kesampaian juga nyoba kesitu.  Pertama masuk kayanya penuh tapi Alhamdulillah ada tempat kosong. Parkirannya juga cukup besar, jadi nggak parkir pinggir jalan yang bikin ganggu lalu lintas. Ketika masuk ke warung,  langsung tercium semerbak aroma kambing d...

Kerasnya Hidup, Nak!

Aahh.. lama banget vakum dari nulis menulis nih, bahkan lupa klo diri sendiri punya blog. Hehe. Mudahan masih bisa terus kesentuh ini blog ya.. Kali ini aku ingin bahas tentang perilaku anak. Banyak sekali tingkah polah perkembangan hidup yang kami lalui selama 3 tahun ini. (Oya Cyril dah 3 th ya sekarang...) Kenapa 'kami' bukan 'Cyril' ? karena perkembangan Cyril sangat ber-impact terhadaku. Aku banyak sekali belajar berusaha beradaptasi, mencari formulasi (*halahh..) dalam menghadapi perilakunya. Perilakunya yang keras. Keras dalam keinginan. Keras dalam bertindak. Sedikit sedikit salah. Sedikit sedikit marah. Egosentris. Seringkali perilakunya ini yang membuatku juga keras terhadapnya karena ketidaksabaranku. Keras disini bukan fisik ya (getting physical with ur kids is NOT acceptable) keras disini is more to a yelling. Bentak, ancaman, paksaan, mata melotot, yeah things like that lah. Terutama ayahnya yang sering address him with high tone, which sometime...

Two Years, Baby!

Happy 2nd birthday to my dearest son. I love you more than ever. You have given me 2 years of wonderful journey. I thanked you for that. So much joy and  happiness. Thank you Allah for choosing me as his mom. Being a mom really is my greatest achievement, and having you as my son really is the best thing ever happened in my life. Semoga mommy bisa jadi ibu yg lebih baik buat Cyril, jadi ibu kebanggaan Cyril sekarang dan seterusnya. Amin. Jadi ini sebenernya postingan yang super telat sih, karena Cyril ultahnya udah tanggal 4 kemaren. Awalnya gak ada rencana celebration karena ayahnya tanggal 3 mau berangkat. Meskipun jauh sebelum tau ayahnya bilang mau berangkat aku udah berencana mo rayain sama bocah bocah komplek aja. Cuma masih disimpen dalam hati aja sampe akhirnya ayahnya bilang tanggal 3 maret mo berangkat 2 minggu. Dan dia bilang ini 3 minggu sebelum tanggal 3 maret itu. Eh tapi mukjizat dateng pas tanggal 2 ayahnya bilang gak jadi berangkat. Alhamdulillah. Terus nenek C...

Twenty One Months, Baby!

OMG I skip three of my baby's updates. It was in my draft for so long. When I tried to continue writing, my blog just wont open. I dont know what had happened to my blog. I tried so many times to open my blog, but it was a waste of time. It took lotsa time to load but ended up with an error. Goshh.. that made me forgot to write. So.. fast forward to his 21st update.... Im sooooooo blessed to watch my baby grows. He is 21 months already, almost 2 years of age. He is such a big boy now. He now can recite a simple song like 'cicak di dinding'. With his unclear speech he really does sing. I mean the WHOLE song, from the beginning to the end, ON HIS OWn. He loves to sing nowadays, still obsessed with cars tho, but he loves to sing along. Im just blown away in how fast he learn the song so he can sing along with me. He memorizes all the song amazingly good. He loves loves loves to sing 'wheels on the bus', 'twinkle twinkle', 'baa baa black sheep', ...

Eighteen Months, Baby! you are officially one and a half year of age. I cant believe time flies really fast. You re not even a baby anymore, eventhough sometimes we still treat you like a tiny little baby. hehe. So whats new? well...hes officially drinking formula now. Yep.. I was one of those mothers who swore not to give the baby a formula ever. But look what Ive done now... Okay, so I give him formula because I am sooooo super desperate on feeding my baby. Hes been so hard to eat for quite a long time in my opinion. This really makes me cry, angry, worry, and everything. His growth and developments are pretty amazing but he just not gaining any weight since he was around 14 months. I mean... of course he gains weight but its extremely slow and just a little. I notice the theory saying as the baby grows older and having so much activity, they wont be gaining weight as fast and as much as when theyre under 12 months. Okay, I get that. But this??? added with his unwillingness to eat.. ...

Seventeen Months, Baby!

Ahh.. this is totally a very latepost. I thought I already published it,but guess what? its been in my draft for almost 2 weeks. Goshh. How could this happen? Maybe an error occured when I clicked 'publish'. Okay straight to the point... Happy 17 months my baby boy! Cant believe you just turned 17mos. Why you grow up so fast? haha... yeah, thats called life. I just have to face it. Anyway.. Im so blessed to witness your growth. Love love love you so so very muchhh. So... this little kid here has amazingly transformed into a little man. The way he acts, understands, behaves, speaks and everything pretty much like us, adults. His vocabs improved so much. He now can say awat (pesawat), bingbing (mobil), duda (roda), aju (baju), jan (ujan), bibi (bumblebee), boa (bola), duduk, nggak, iya, pu cat (pussycat), jam, and many more. Im so super duper proud of him. His interest in cars is still on a high level. I mean he's obsessed with it. Cars on the road, cars displayed a...