Twenty One Months, Baby!

OMG I skip three of my baby's updates. It was in my draft for so long. When I tried to continue writing, my blog just wont open. I dont know what had happened to my blog. I tried so many times to open my blog, but it was a waste of time. It took lotsa time to load but ended up with an error. Goshh.. that made me forgot to write. So.. fast forward to his 21st update....

Im sooooooo blessed to watch my baby grows. He is 21 months already, almost 2 years of age. He is such a big boy now. He now can recite a simple song like 'cicak di dinding'. With his unclear speech he really does sing. I mean the WHOLE song, from the beginning to the end, ON HIS OWn. He loves to sing nowadays, still obsessed with cars tho, but he loves to sing along.

Im just blown away in how fast he learn the song so he can sing along with me. He memorizes all the song amazingly good. He loves loves loves to sing 'wheels on the bus', 'twinkle twinkle', 'baa baa black sheep', 'down by the station', 'row row a boat', 'old macdonald', 'ABC song' , 'balonku', 'happy bday to you', 'potong bebek', and soooo much more. He may not able sing those songs from top to bottom on his own, but hes for sure remember every single word in the song. So I will go with one or two words then he follow through to the next word.

Pray is one of his routine now. Like whenever we go out on a car, he would say a prayer like "Bismillahirrohmannirrohim". He also can recite 'Al Fathihah', which is mind blowing for me. I mean... hes not even 2 years old yet. When I was his age I dont even know how to say 'bismillah'. So this is really some kind of motivation and learning for myself to teach him more and more, to give him more and more, to control my behavior, to manage my anger and everything so I can give him a good example. Im hoping that he wont take the bad side of me, his dad, or just pretty much everyone he knew and he met. Inshaa Allah. Amin.


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