Seventeen Months, Baby!

Ahh.. this is totally a very latepost. I thought I already published it,but guess what? its been in my draft for almost 2 weeks. Goshh. How could this happen? Maybe an error occured when I clicked 'publish'. Okay straight to the point...

Happy 17 months my baby boy! Cant believe you just turned 17mos. Why you grow up so fast? haha... yeah, thats called life. I just have to face it. Anyway.. Im so blessed to witness your growth. Love love love you so so very muchhh.

So... this little kid here has amazingly transformed into a little man. The way he acts, understands, behaves, speaks and everything pretty much like us, adults. His vocabs improved so much. He now can say awat (pesawat), bingbing (mobil), duda (roda), aju (baju), jan (ujan), bibi (bumblebee), boa (bola), duduk, nggak, iya, pu cat (pussycat), jam, and many more. Im so super duper proud of him.

His interest in cars is still on a high level. I mean he's obsessed with it. Cars on the road, cars displayed at the mall, and toy cars. Seriously...he loooooves cars so much. He can burst into tantrum when it comes to cars. So I gotta stay away from the car section at a toy shop. Haha... but most of the time his eyes catch the car faster than me. So yeaaahh... I lost in the battleship. LOL.

Okay so this is another story. his 17mos of life, I took him on a bike ride for the first time ever. It was hot and super sunny day. I took him out at 1 pm. Yeah..that was wrong. We went out pretty far for a novice bike rider. Downhill, uphill, traffic. Pheeww. The sun was striking down our face, we felt the heat all over our body and our face. And it got me a pretty bad backache. Hmmmhh... Surprisingly my baby was sleeping during our way back home. I mean... he just calmed, and excited at the same time while riding the bike. Maybe it becuz he got to see loads of cars and bikes close to his eyes. So getting him into sleep was effortless on a bike rather than on his carseat. I guess we should ride a bike more often.. haha..

Love you my precious boy...


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