Fifthteen Months, Baby!

Hello blog... hello world.. I am feeling wonderfull today. So Imma write this post. Yes I know its kinda late, cuz yesterday and 2 days ago I was having a little bit of a breakdown, well not really. I just had this thing going on with my kid and didn get enough sleep. Okay I will tell it here.

So...horray to my babyboy of turning 15 months. This such a blessing. Hes grown so much. I am so happy that he finally has new teeth. Yup 2 teeth up there in the middle. Pheew.. been waiting for this moment so long. Haha. But those teeth were threatning me. My nipples. Oh man, I just scared whenever I have to breastfeed him especially at bedtime. Grrr... he could bite like biting the hardest thing in the world. Oh it hurts SO MUCH. He ripped the skin off. It made an open wound on my nipple. Yep thats my breakdown I ve been talking about. So I tried to limit breastfeeding my baby. At bedtime, I tried so hard to put him into sleep without him sucking my nipples, and its NIGHTMARE. It was like a war. My baby couldnt sleep, I couldnt sleep. My baby was crying out loud, I was frustrated. I got impatient, mad, and he got harder and harder. I lost in that war most of the time. But, I tried again and again both day and night. And thanked God it paid off. I could heal the wound and he could sleep almost always without the nipples. Im not even ready to wean my baby yet. It wasnt really my intention. It was just becoz of the wound he made to my nipple. It hurts as hell. Now that my nipple had recovered, I could breastfeed him back again. 

He also improved so much on the skill and inteligence, physically and mentally, and everything. His ability of saying words is unimaginable to me. He can say more than the ordinary mama, papa. He can now say kage (kaget), cicak, bibi, janji, gangeh (gendong), pus (pussycat), apu (sapu). One day I snooze so hard then he said 'kage'. I thought it was just a coincident. The next day he heard his dad snooze hard or something loud and sudden, he said it again up until now. So he really say it on purpose.

Then theres another word which is really something to me, 'janji'. In my opinion this word is kinda hard to define, to be understood especially for a little kid. In any day, I can say a whole lot of 'janji'. Like 'buka dulu mulutnya, mommy janji ini yg terakhir' or 'janji deh klo dah makan maen sepeda'. So when I say 'janji' I have to stick with my word. One day he wanted to move out of his carseat and play with the steering-wheel in our car. I was like NO...but he insisted and making all that noise. So I said to him 'kalo mau nyetir boleh, tapi kalo udah mau jalan Cyril balik sini lagi ya..janji' and he just said 'janji' sambil ngalor ngidul. When its time we had to go and I said 'ini udah mau jalan, janjinya....' surprisingly he moved out of the driver's seat back to his seat. I was amazed, and speechless at the same time cuz I never expected him to respond that way, bet he did. He stayed true to his word. So proud.

Ohh..dear my baby, thank you for being my son. Thank you  for choosing me as your mom. I love you beyond forever. Thank you my Almighty Allah. Cant stand a wait of witnessing his growth, new imrovements and abilities.


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