Feeling Blue, Baby!

Have you ever feeling blue after your baby born? Well I certainly have, and it is called Baby Blues Syndrome. That is like the deepest, lowest, darkest, rock bottom point of my life. Might sounds like Im exagerating, but thats the truth. It wasnt pleasant at all. I never thought in a million years that would experience this state. I was like... "it wont happen to me". Then after the baby was born, well...when I first saw him, I was in tears of happiness but the next 2-3 weeks, NIGHTMARE.

Baby blues is pretty much like a mild state of depression. You see, having a baby can be exhilarating and exhausting. When I was pregnant I only thought of how exhilarating it would be, and never expected it would be such a huge challenge. After birth, the hormone levels drop and it affects everything especially moods. As for myself, I had to face the fact that I had no breastmilk in 3 days. Meaning my baby had no intake at all in 3 days. This worried me A LOT. I was a beginner so my mind went like "how in the world could a human being live without any intake in 3 days?? this a little baby we're talking about!". This was when the moods started to change. My baby constantly woke up and I couldnt breastfed him. How terrible was that?!

Even after my milk comes out, still I struggled on breastfeeding my baby. So I pumped my breastmilk, spoon it to him every time, day and night. Then I had to deal with my breast engorgement, and yes it was painfull. The sleep deprivation, the phymosis, the crying baby, the baby's weight, the rashes, how to put my baby to sleep, blablabla and so on. It was just too much for me. I was exhausted. Who wouldve thought all of those things could happen? Maybe I had not learned enough before. I even had a midwife come to my house for 2 weeks to help me bathe a newborn baby, overcome the breastfeeding-related problems, and all sort of mommy-baby problems. Oh.. remembering those days just not pleasant. My body was weak, tired, had no appetite, worried all the time, cried all day, even my baby was fine.

Having a baby means you have a new responsibility, but this new sense of responsibility is quite overwhelming, especially for a new mom like me. You feel kinda uncertain of how to take care of your newborn baby. Although baby blues sound horrible but its pretty common, and considered normal. Most moms experience this blues after giving birth.  So support from family, or loved ones really boost your spirit.

As for myself, my husband was like my angel, my fairy godfather. I just couldnt thanked enough to my heavenly husband. Hes always there for me since day 1. He took over my role as a mother. He took care completely of our newborn baby for almost 3 weeks. Seriously, he did everything alone. From the diaper changing activity, feeding the baby, and so on. He was the first person to do something, everything, and anything, while I was stuck under the dark clouds, feeling terribly wrong, sad, crying, not able to do anything. My mom did help espcially during the day, but he did everything through the night, while I could only stare at what he was doing. 

He took care of our baby with sincere, he did it cuz he love his son, everything just came from the heart. Eventhough he was doing all the work, he never got mad at me. He stood by me, supported me, listened to what I felt, he simply encouraged me to do something, to get some rest, sleep, to get over the blues, ensured that our babys fine and I will get through the blues pretty soon. And thats how you deal with baby blues. You simply need some one you can cling on, and support you. Im so blessed to have him help me through the day, while many others might not have that chance, cuz some husbands work overseas, out of town, or just far away.

Anyway, what I really wanna say is that baby blues syndrome is normal. Make sure you read and learn a lot about pregnancy, baby, and the after birth. If you have someone you can count on, please tell them you need them, share your feeling and thoughts. This might help lift the weight off your shoulders. Let them take care of your baby. Get some fresh air, get some time away from the baby,  get some rest, and get some humor. Slowly youll get over the blues. Inshaa Allah.


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