My Trip with Baby Tips

Finally home! Oh home sweet home. Theres just no place like home, even if you re in a wonderful place, a place you dreamed to go, at the end of the day home is where you wanna be.

So this was my 3rd time travelling with baby. The first one was when hes about 6 mos old and we went to Samarinda by car. The second was to Jogjakarta, and the third was to Puncak. Travelling with baby need lotsa preparation. Physically, mentally, and lotsa baby stuff.

Physically here means that you are really fit and healthy to go on a trip WITH baby. Its so much different than travelling alone or without baby. Especially with an active baby, you have to catch up with your babys stamina. As for my baby who is very active and in crawling stage, he just wanna crawl wherever and whenever which obviously he cannot do that. So I gotta carry him around and all the time. I mean he sure is heavy, and carrying him up for a long time is a pain on my back. Literally. I do let him crawl in some place, but in a place that I think is clean. Like in a Villa we stayed at Puncak, I didnt let him crawl on the floor cuz it was dirty to me. They didnt even mop the floor while we stayed. Then we moved to a hotel at Jakarta, it was nice, even its a public place but theres a housekeeping that will clean the room everyday. So I let him crawl.

My baby also has issue with new places. Seriously..this happens all the time. Not in a crowded place, but like in new house, new room, and so on. So when we were at the villa he just cried instantly. Didnt wanna be put on bed. He grabbed me so tight and never let go off me. Bath time even worst. He usually likes bathing, but in a new place, NIGHTMARE. Even I had assistance from my parents, he just wanna stick with me. Yeah, we were stuck like glue. It was physically exhausting, but I knew this would happen. So I prepared myself.

Mentally, I was ready to hear him crying all out in crowds, deal with his annoying behavior. I wont be panic. Yes, you have to stay cool and stay positive if your baby is in a cranky, annoying, and crying mode in crowds. Like in a plane, he just wont sit still, he kept moving around like 'cacing kepanasan'. So annoying. This was really frustrating, especially when the plane hit a turbulance. I gotta pay attention to my baby and panic (scared to be exact) at the same time. And dont even care if your baby makes so much noise that will disturb other passangers. Who cares! Its a lil baby here we are talking about. But thanked God it didnt happen to my baby. He did cry, but then I breastfed him, and he just calmed.

I also packed with tons of baby stuff.  Id rather bring more than less baby stuff. We would never know whtas gonna happen while were travelling. Lotsa clothes cuz normally I dont do laundry while Im on a trip except underwear. I brought lotsa disposable diapers. I usually bring cloth diapers too but since I was staying in a remote villa and they didnt provide so much as a hotel does, so disposable diapers is the perfect choice. Boxes of instant baby food and baby snacks. Thats a must for me, but I also brought some fruits and oats thou. Babys grooming stuff in travel sized pack or bottle, wet tissues, cotton balls, lotsa plastic bags, first aid kit and medicines. I also brought a diaper bag with me in the cabin. This is a MUST when you are travelling with baby. In there I had a lil bit of every baby stuff I packed, with baby feeding set, including drinking water, and hot water, also a pacifier..just in case. It could be pretty heavy for some people but for me thats enough. I could still carry both my baby and that diaper bag. Oh..almost forgot, I also brought lil purse for my wallet and cellphones. You could put em together in the diaper bag thou, but its just me :)

With that kind of preps, you re all set to go. Dont forget to pray. Yeah, praying is the most important thing. Hope that your baby will behave throughout the entire trip. Simply wish for the best trip!


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