Fourteen Months, baby!

This is totally a latepost..well, happy fourteen months, babyboy! Oh..hes grown so much. I couldnt even believe what I ve witnessed. His abiliity and inteligence boost up so quick. Im so proud and amazed at the same time. He knows and understand almost about everything now. The way he communicates, express ego and anger, laugh, dance, eat, and everything just so adorably cute.

The walking thing is almost perfect even sometimes he couldnt control himself. Still got 2 teeth, but thats okay, sooner or later they will come out. He used to be freaked out whenever I took him to the bathroom here in his new home, but now...ohh he loooves to go there. He even addicted to it. haha. lebaayy..  I think he begins to enjoy himself in his own home. But stil...nothing can beat grandpa's home. He just lights up instantly there. His face will surely shows how happy he is at grandpa's house.

So his new interest now is to sit on driver's seat and play with the steering wheel. He sure will burst in madness if I dont let him. Hhhmm.. this is just another drama to take him a ride in a car. The baby carseat thing is okay, not perfect but okay. I mean he sits still for a good hour, sometimes less, but when he got bored... Oh my...the gesture, the yelling and crying really distract my focus on driving. And now...with his curiosity of a steering wheel makes it even worst. I'll be really pissed. God please helpppp... (hey be calm mommy). I get nervous whenever the 2 of us have to go out, especially if the place is too far from home. Ahh well, he s just a kid after all. So yeah, I have to face it. Deal with it in a more mature and patient way.

My homework now is to put him on a potty seat. I know this gonna be a hardwork, but I have to train him sooner or later. Hopefully it wont be as hard as I thought. Finger crossed. :D


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