Eighteen Months, Baby!
Baby..baby..baby.. you are officially one and a half year of age. I cant believe time flies really fast. You re not even a baby anymore, eventhough sometimes we still treat you like a tiny little baby. hehe. So whats new? well...hes officially drinking formula now. Yep.. I was one of those mothers who swore not to give the baby a formula ever. But look what Ive done now... Okay, so I give him formula because I am sooooo super desperate on feeding my baby. Hes been so hard to eat for quite a long time in my opinion. This really makes me cry, angry, worry, and everything. His growth and developments are pretty amazing but he just not gaining any weight since he was around 14 months. I mean... of course he gains weight but its extremely slow and just a little. I notice the theory saying as the baby grows older and having so much activity, they wont be gaining weight as fast and as much as when theyre under 12 months. Okay, I get that. But this??? added with his unwillingness to eat.. ...